Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My life

This is the reason why I haven't been posting that much been busy trying to protect and fix my childrens lives. Its hard being a parent especially one that wants to be involved and cares immensely to what is happening in thier lives....

Flash back to the 2 bullies that are affecting my children's lives.....well one has been suspended at least 5 times throughout the school year, while the other one just skates right on by without any discipline. Yesterday's incidents take the cake though and why she is still there is beyond my comprehension.

On the bus in the morning she was strangling a kindergartener. Now she is in 4th grade, you would think that she would know better. After getting yelled at (which by the way is all that happened) she heads to class to further terroize the classroom with a temper tantrum, throwing things, and hitting other children on the head with books etc.

I told my children especially Tessa since she's in the same class to avoid her since she is a ticking time bomb....if she instigates ANYTHING feel free to sock her one. I am not the parent that justifies any physical outbursts but I have had enough. The school refuses to do anything about this, and I am not going to let my children get hurt in that process.

I told them as long as they don't start the shit, I will protect them even if they get suspended. I will take them out for a treat lol. I know that is wrong deep inside, I should have compassion treat this young lady with compassion, and have my children walk away but geeze for 2 years we have been doing this and nothing is solved.

Oh and the 5th grader who was suspended did all the same things btw, and now he is riding a bus in the afternoon all by himself....I watched her get off the bus this morning with all the other kids. Sad thing is this I am waiting for my phone to ring with trouble from the office since lunch/recess has ended for my two older kids.

I told Zach since I know Tessa will do nothing although she has permission, to watch out for her and if need be step in.